Sunday, April 1, 2012



imagine you're a young mid-western student

and you apply and are accepted at the

prestigious florida state film school

you leave home, learn your craft and in your sophomore

year make a documentary exposing the world's biggest

mega media empire, - the world's largest money maker

you submit it for consideration at some film festivals

and your little 15 minute masterpiece premieres at the

american documentray film festival

and as the credits roll, you see your name as director

you hear loud applause from the large crowd

and you close your eyes and sigh, - is this real...

that's just what happened today, twice, as am docs continues

to screen documentaries in downtown palm springs

christina campagnola and lauren brinkman's film:

kingdom incorporated is an in depth expose of

the walt disney company

it's a real inside look at how the company tries to control

nearly every aspect of a child's life, from PJ's and bed covers

to breakfast cereal bowls and school lunch boxes

the clothes they wear, the toys they play with, you name it

it's hard to find anything that their brand is not associated with

plus all the media from feature films to news and sports

...disney has an app for that

the film shows from experts and ex-employees

the strategy behind the disney juggernaut

there's no moral to the story, just that if

you produce the things that people like

and ram it down their throats

you're gonna make a lot of money,

ask ronald mcdonald

but if you make dreams for little kids

and make too many of them

and ram those down their throats

then you take away the child's imagination

and there's nothing more special

than a child's imagination

- just ask christina and lauren