Saturday, October 13, 2012


last night at the palm d'or in palm desert

ben affeck's newest movie had it's premiere

argo (**** yourself) - ya gotta see the movie

in a packed theater, the sold out crowd

were treated to affleck's talents as a director

actor and producer

the film chronicles the iranian hostage crisis in 1979

a group of embassy workers workers escape

through a back door, while their co-workers get captured

they are held for 444 days in captivity

the group of six are held-up in the canadian ambassador's

private residence until ben and the cia come to the rescue

the highlight of the film was the work of follower actors

alan arkin and john goodman

the highlight of the evening was...

immediately after the film's presentation

co-star bryan cranston of breaking bad fame

and part owner of the theater

held an informal (he hadn't shaved)

question and answer session

the questions were stupid

the film was intriguing

and a good time was had by all

the palm d'or in the westfield mall

holds Q&A sessions frequently

see for more information