Friday, May 17, 2013


this movie has it all
a sexy, slap-happy police detective (she likes to slap people)
women behind bars, a bumbling police force
a french speaking butler, flying lead, police call boxes
a touch of laughter - always in the wrong place
and a gang of well organized criminals
perhaps these criminals were a little too well organized
they'd use a dozen hoods, multiple vehicles, bogus bad guy
storefronts, warehouses and even a turkey ranch
- all to steal a single fancy bejeweled necklace
- way too much overhead to make the caper pay
but the turkey ranch does turns its own profit...
and as you'd guess - in the end, the crime doesn't pay
with all the elaborate cons - spoiler alert - the bad guys
get caught and some even get shot by their own people
speaking of turkeys - this wasn't the best example
that this great film festival offers year in and year out
the film noir festival is held each year in palm springs
this1950 crime drama is a recent rediscovery from the
vaults at sony-columbia and is not available on DVD
but then again, that's the point of this festival
these old classics are screened in their original 35mm format
and are digitally projected on the large silver screen - sweet
following today's screening, a discussion was held with
the star of the film, actress marsha hunt, it was fun and lively
and filled with old hollywood nostalgia
Arthur Lyons FilmNoir Festival is in its 13th season and
better than ever and continues until sunday night's big finish
the festival is held in one convenient location in beautiful
palm springs at the Camelot Theater