sam goldwyn didn't make film noir films
but his wife made him make this one
and boy this one, as the head of
the film noir foundation
has said, is the noir-iest of any film noir film
webster sez: noir is short for film noir which is...
crime fiction featuring hard-boiled cynical characters
and bleak sleazy settings
well, dig this mark robson film
there's a nice, good looking young guy
who works at a flower shop and has a nice girl too
he's called away from a nice dinner with his nice girl
to tend to his dying mother
his mother dies, the neighbors are crazy and unhelpful
so he goes to the church for help and in a rage
kills one of the priests with a crucifix
then he goes to the mortuary but can't get any credit
and then goes to the flower shop and gets fired
and the police put him in jail for robbing a movie theater
gets put in a police line-up for the murder and then gets off
and then goes see his girl but then leaves her
and then confesses to his dead mother at the funeral home
while the police listen in
and then he ends-up in prison for murder
all in a dingy dark smelly nameless inner-city
- just a really bad day - but an excellent movie
the edge of doom will keep you on the edge of my seat
the whole time
not available on DVD, that's why the
Arthur Lyons FilmNoir Festival is in its 13th season and
better than ever and continues until sunday night's big finish
the festival is held in one convenient location in beautiful
palm springs at the Camelot Theater